

第三届华南国际工业组装技术与装备展览会(Assembly Technology Expo China-ATE)将于826日至29日在深圳会展中心盛大举行。ATE将与华南国际电子生产设备暨微电子工业展(NEPCON South China,华南国际电子制造技术展览会(EMT South China),和华南国际汽车电子展(AE South China)同期举办,聚焦华南地区电子,汽车,组装行业。四大展会所组成的巨型制造展会展出的将不仅是组装生产线,还涉及到许多中国南方地区制造业的相关需求,将把华南蓬勃发展的制造市场推向更高层次。四大展会预期与去年一样将吸引到超过25000名专业观众,和来自世界各地的650家重量级展商,共同带来独一无二的前沿技术和精英会晤机会。


ATE展会得以成功举办的背后是华南制造业市场蓬勃发展的惊人数据。翻开报纸或行业杂志,令人瞠目的统计数据和各种预测层出不穷。据《21世纪经济报道》的报道显示,到2010年,广州市汽车业产值有望达到3500亿美元, 整车年产量将达160万台,实现产值约2500亿美元。该地区有关组装产业的类似统计报道屡见不鲜。 如:《广州日报》指出,广东省电子信息产业销售及出口额占全国平均销售额的三分之一左右,并连续15年位居全国榜首;《中国电子报》报道,珠三角地区家电销售额已经突破120亿美元,占全国家电销售总量的30%以上。发展如此迅猛,工厂必须以创新产品和先进理念,实现更快、更佳、成本更低的生产流程,在全球竞争中立于不败之地。这就必然引发对自动化技术和装配产线的迫切需求。


2006 年,ATE抓住契机,应运而生,成为中国华南地区唯一一个专注于工业组装技术与装备应用领域的专业展览会,为企业创造一个华南市场拓展业务、凝聚品牌价值、保证强大竞争力的平台。此展会一登陆华南就受到热烈欢迎,也是中国华南非常需要ATE展会的一个明证。2007年,ATE展会规模达5000平方米,吸引了来自23个国家和地区的4625位专业人士。来自行政管理、采购、生产管理、研发工程、质量保证、系统整合以及二线供应的决策者和专业人士前来参展,其中97%以上的人表示一定会再来。


业界龙头企业携手参展进一步证明ATE的成功及影响。阿特拉斯·科普柯公司、道康宁公司、DYMAX公司、固瑞克公司和史丹利等著名企业,已明确表示今年再次参展。阿特拉斯·科普柯工具及组装系统传讯经理薛晓泉说 在去年的ATE展会上,我们推出了精确控制扭矩的微小扭矩拧紧系统,受到电子产品制造商的极大关注.今年我们会继续参加ATE 2008,为客户带来最适合的解决方案。事实上,很多国际展商都已经表示会携带最新产品到ATE展会上。一些亮点产品包括: 康茂胜公司32系列气缸;固瑞克公司使用NXTTM 全新空气马达技术的密封胶和黏着剂供料系统以及Liquid ControlTM PR70产品;史丹利装配技术公司的QPM Software Options,High Load Capacity,Alpha Controller Options,Intelligent Lifting& Balancing新产品.













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International Heavyweights Line-up

to Showcase Technology at ATE China 2008


The third edition of Assembly Technology Expo China 2008 (ATE) will take centre stage at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre this summer, with several international heavyweights confirmed to showcase their latest technology.  Scheduled to take place from 26-29 August, the exhibition will be held alongside NEPCON, EMT and Automotive Electronics South China (AE), creating a focal point for the electronics, automotive and assembly industries of the region. By addressing not only assembly lines, but so many of the interrelated needs of southern Chinese manufacturing at a specialized level, the combined event has enormous pulling power. It regularly attracts more than 25,000 visitors and 650 heavyweight exhibitors from around the world with the promise of unparalleled displays of cutting edge technologies and meetings of minds from right across the spectrum.


The need for such a show is supported by the astonishing statistics and stellar predictions about South China manufacturing that have recently filled the newspapers. The 21st Century Business Herald, for example, has reported that by 2010 the automobile industry output value in Guangzhou is expected to reach US$350 billion, and annual whole-vehicle automobiles capacity will reach 1.6 million, with its output value realizing around US$250 billion. Similar statistics are reported across a multitude of assembly-based industries throughout the region with Guangzhou Daily stating that Guangdong’s electronics information industry sales and exports account for around a third of the national average, and taken the top spot in China for 15 consecutive years, and China e-paper declaring that home appliance sales in the Pearl River Delta have exceeded US$12 billion, accounting for over 30% of the national sales in this segment. With such rapid growth, factories must set the pace for global competition with innovative products and ideas to make their processes faster, better, and less costly; this inevitably makes the highest demands on automated technology and assembly lines.


In 2006 ATE took up the challenge, and became the only international assembly trade exhibition in South China , providing an unparalleled platform for the entire assembly industry to generate business contacts and enhance brand awareness for keeping the company ahead of competition. By 2007, ATE was already spanning 5,000 square meters and attracting 4,625 professionals from 23 countries and regions. Decision makers and manufacturing professionals in important roles such as general management, purchasing, production management, design and development engineering, quality assurance, system integration, and second-tier supply, flocked through the doors and more than 97% of these said that they were likely to return.


A testament to the success and influence of ATE was the immediate presence of the leading companies in the industry from home and abroad. Moreover, big names such as Atlas Copco, Dow Corning, DYMAX, Graco and The Stanley Works gave the show a positive mandate by planning to exhibit yet again this year. “We introduced the MicroTorque System for accurate small screw assembly at last ATE fair where we got a lot of attention from electronic products manufacturers. We will continue to attend the ATE China 2008 and bring the most suitable solution to our customers.” says Tina Xue, Communications Manager of Altas Copco. Indeed, many of the international exhibitors have already announced that they will bring new products to ATE. Highlights of these include Shanghai Camozzi’s introduction of their Series 32 Actuators and Series H Valve Islands, Graco’s release of two new dispensing systems for a range of viscosities: the Sealant and Adhesive Supply System with NXT Technology and the Liquid Control PR70, and a multitude of new products from the Stanley Works’ QPM, High Load Capacity, Alpha Controller Options, and Intelligent Lifting& Balancing.


ATE promises to draw the very best from around the world to cater specifically and exclusively to the assembly needs of an enormous range of industries in one place and at one time.Reed Exhibitions is one of the most professional exhibition organizers in the world.  Though it’s our first time to exhibit at ATE China, we are very confident of the result. As the global leader in silicon-based technology and with more than 60 years of experience as a silicone supplier, Dow Corning provides products, services and business solutions to meet our customers’ needs.” says Joyce Meng, Global Appliance Marketing Manager at Dow Corning.


Further information about the exhibition please visit www.atexpochina.com



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For press information, please contact

Penny Peng
Reed Exhibitions ( Shanghai Office)

Tel: (86) 21 5153 5119
Fax: (86) 21 5153 5248

Email: penny.peng@reedexpo.com.cn



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Reed Exhibitions ( Shanghai Office)

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