Speaker Introduction:
Professor Dr.-Ing. habil J.-W. Biermann has studied in the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University,Germany, completing with the Diploma degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Automotive Engineering. In 1981, he received his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) and in 1988 he took his professorship. He is giving several courses at RWTH Aachen University. Beside that he is guestlecturer at the Thai Graduate German School in Bangkok.
Since 2008 Prof. Biermann is Vice Director at the Institute of Automotive Engineering. He is member of the advisory editorial board of both the Journal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (ImechE, London) and the Journal of The Korea Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE, Seoul).
Achievements in Scientific Research:
During the last 35 years Prof. Biermann was responsible for a multitude of R&D projects, which were carried out for vehicle manufacturers and suppliers as well as public research foundations worldwide. Most of his research work is focused on alternative powertrains like Hybrid-drives and battery electrical vehicles. In recent years more than ten demonstrator cars with alternative drives have been built up under his management.
A second topic of his scientific work is focussing on the Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) behaviour of vehicles. He has significantly contributed to new measurement techniques and calculation programmes with respect to the noise radiation of vehicles.
Prof. Biermann has published more than 150 scientific papers on international conferences and in scientific journals worldwide.
Abstract of Speech:
The improvement of energy efficiency as well as the reduction of energy/fuel consumption and exhaust emissions are important requirements for the development of new vehicles. Typical for emerging markets like China and India is a strongly growing demand for individual mobility. The increasing number of vehicles however leads to more exhaust emissions and traffic noise. In cities with a large number of inhabitants in particular, the health conditions and living quality could be reduced significantly. In this context the public transport system plays an important role. Subject of this paper is the presentation of Hybrid city buses for public transport.
After a short introduction of the long-term history of fka in terms of “Alternative Vehicle Propulsion Systems”, the general advantages and disadvantages of Hybrid powertrains will be discussed. In the following the different basic architectures of hybrid powertrains will be explained. Within this context the challenges in terms of the development of new components as well as the design of energy – and thermo – management concepts will be explained. Finally some hybrid buses of European OEM′s and one fleet test project as an example will be introduced.