2011年3月15-17日,科艺仪器有限公司成功参加了在上海新国际展览中心举办的2011慕尼黑上海激光、光电展览会,科艺仪器位于E4馆#4112展位。 上海慕尼黑激光、光电展,不仅汇集了世界光电子行业的所有门类,而且更是一个展示最尖端光电科技技术的专业盛会。
在本次展览会上,科艺公司沿袭了一贯的“为客户提供激光、光学及运动控制产品及系统的整体解决方案”的做法,展出了激光加工领域中的光源, 包含Synrad射频CO2 激光器,SPI 连续及脉冲光纤激光器,CEO半导体激光器,Laserline高功率光纤耦合半导体激光器; 光路中使用的Linos扩束镜和平场聚焦透镜;以及CTI激光扫描振镜。
同时,作为Newport公司在中国的总代理,科艺公司亦同时展出了Newport公司的太阳光模拟器、功率计、调整架、精密定位平台等Newport公司的经典产品;作为Newport公司的新成员,New Focus的可调谐激光器、光电探测器及运动控制产品成为我司展位的新亮点。
A & P Instrument Successfully Participating 2011 Laser World of Photonics China
The LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA 2011 has been held on March 15-17 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre, A & P Instrument's booth is at E4.4112. The exhibition gathered over 350 leading exhibitors and 28000 trade visitors, includes 6 new segments exhibits which are laser systems for production engineering, optics and optical manufacturing, lasers and optronics, test and measurement, optical fiber communication and so on.
During this show, A & P Instrument upheld out business philosophy "professional· quality· service", exhibited most of our optical products including Synrad CO2 lasers, SPI CW/pulse fiber lasers, CEO diode laser modules, Laserline LDM laser, LINOS theta lens, CTI scanners, EOT, Intense, Daylight, Fisba, Dataray, Haas, Yamamoto laser protect products, etc. Meantime, as the only agent in China mainland, our company also exhibited the power meter and motion control products, which are the classic products of Newport.
With the development of PLC industry, A & P Instrument design and bring out the passive components auto-align and manual-align system, the manual-align system is exhibited on our booth, too.
In the future, A & P Instrument will satisfy the domestic manufacturers and customers with the best service and product solutions and wins their trust. A & P has founded eight branches or offices in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Taiwan and Singapore. Welcome to visit our website www.anpico.com or contact us with 400-886-0018.