James Liu
NovelisAluminium New Progresses in Auto BiW Lightweight Applications
Managing Director, Novelis China
演讲人介绍Speaker Introduction
刘清是诺贝丽斯中国区董事总经理,也是亚洲销售、营销和汽车业务总监。身为诺贝丽斯中国区常务董事,刘清先生按照诺贝丽斯的亚洲长期增长战略领导公司实施扩张计划,而在销售与营销职位上,刘清先生负责监管诺贝丽斯在中国和韩国对汽车业重大增长机遇的把握和利用。加入诺贝丽斯之前,刘清先生曾在美铝中国压延产品集团旗下的美铝国际(亚洲)有限公司担任副总裁兼董事总经理。在任职的四年间,刘清先生负责战略规划、销售、营销、客户技术服务、销售管理和行业合规等商户活动。加入美铝之前,刘清先生在BHP STEEL钢铁集团(中国)旗下的来实中国公司(Lysaght China)担任总裁达4年之久,在任期间负责管理中国大陆地区的20家销售办事处以及北京、上海、广州和成都的四家工厂。在BHP STEEL钢铁集团工作期间,刘清先生成功赢得了多个项目,其中包括广受关注的地标项目—北京奥林匹克体育馆的施工工程。刘清先生拥有清华大学机械工程专业学士学位、上海交大材料科学与工程专业硕士学位以及中欧国际工商学院的高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位。
Mr. Liu Qing is Managing Director of Novelis China and Asian Sales, Marketing and Automobile Business Director. As Managing Director of Novelis China, Mr. Liu Qing has led the Company to implement expansion plan according to Novelis’s long-term growth strategy for Asia, while he is responsible for supervising Novelis’ efforts in seizing and utilizing major growth opportunities from the automobile industry in China and South Korea by holding the sales and marketing position. Before joining Novelis, Mr. Liu Qing served as Vice-president and Managing Director of Alcoa International (Asia) Ltd under Alcoa China Rolled Products Group. He was responsible for strategic planning, sales, marketing, technical services for customers, sales management and industrial compliance etc during four-year term of service. Before joining Alcoa, he served President of Lysaght China under BHP STEEL Group (China) for four years during which he managed 20 sales offices in Chinese Mainland and four factories in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. He successfully won multiple projects during the period of working in BHP STEEL Group, including widely watched landmark project — construction project of Beijing Olympic Gymnasium. He enjoys bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Tsinghua University, master's degree in materials science and engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University and EMBA from China Europe International Business School.
演讲摘要Abstract of Speech
In the first section there’s an overviews of Aluminum Sheet in Automotive Applications, and summarizes the CO2 emission targets of Europe, the US, Japan and China in current stage and till 2020. And also indicate the energy saving and decreasing of CO2 emission by light-weighting. And also discusses why aluminum is the ideal material for automotive lightweight. In Section 2, there’s a description about the demand for BiW in North America, Europe and Asia. In Section 3 there’s the introduction about Novelis new progress in Auto BiW lightweight applications. And in final section, quotes with the sample of Jaguar XJ whole aluminum car body.