

作者:本网编辑 文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2010-11-25


诸德衛先生于 1982 年毕业于中国沈阳的东北大学,专业为有色金属冶炼。1984 年,诸先生前往北美洲求学,获得了冶金工程的硕士和博士学位。毕业以后,他在新加坡和韩国生活和工作,在制铝行业中从事项目管理、技术管理和市场营销等方面的工作。最近他领导着诺贝丽斯韩国公司的一个销售和技术专家团队,在亚洲市场上对铝板在汽车制造中的运用进行研发。诸先生非常希望运用自己丰富的技术和商业经验,和汽车行业的客户共同协作,推动铝板在白车身 (BIW) 部件方面的运用。


近年来,环境和安全问题对汽车工业显得越发重要。环境和安全功能增加了车身重量。政府对二氧化碳排放和油耗的规定一年比一年严格,汽车制造商必须达到二氧化碳排放指标和油耗指标才能避免罚款。车身减重设计是降低二氧化碳排放和油耗的关键技术之一。选用铝合金有助于减轻车身的重量。如果在车中用一磅铝替代两磅钢铁,就能在一部普通车的使用寿命期间(约十二万英里/十九万公里)减少 20 磅(9.07 千克)的二氧化碳排放。如果设计得当,用铝替代钢铁,那么每当车身重量降低百分之十,就可以节约百分之六到八的汽油,由此降低温室气体的排放。出于这些原因,欧洲、北美和亚洲的许多 OEM 厂商采用了铝制的发动机盖、挡泥板、后备箱盖、车门、车顶和车身结构。在欧洲、美国和亚洲的汽车制造商努力达到二氧化碳排放指标和油耗指标的过程中,铝板的使用将显著增加。

长期以来,诺贝丽斯致力于车用铝板的开发和质量改进。正因为诺贝丽斯提供了出色的技术、质量和服务,许多世界著名的 OEM 厂商,如宝马、奥迪、奔驰、通用汽车、福特、克莱斯勒和雷诺都把诺贝丽斯选为车用铝板的供应商。诺贝丽斯能够提供各种 A6xxx 和 5xxx 铝合金。这些铝合金具有优异的成型性能,在要求苛刻的卷边工序中表现出色。诺贝丽斯的铝合金还具有良好的表面质量(不带条痕),焙烧后能获得极高强度,而且对行人更为安全,因此诺贝丽斯能够帮助客户适当选用铝合金来满足特定的要求。最近诺贝丽斯发明了 Novelis FusionTM(诺贝丽斯熔炼)技术,以克服标准铝合金的局限。Novelis FusionTM 技术是一种创新工艺,能够同时将多层铝合金浇铸到一个轧制用铝锭中。这样的铝锭可以轧制成内部性质不同于外部性质的板材。自 2008 年 9 月以来,领先的 OEM 厂商已经开始将 Novelis FusionTM 材料用于车门、挡泥板和车身结构部件。借助于单纯铝合金或 Novelis FusionTM 材料,诺贝丽斯能够提供任何铝合金板材,供 OEM 厂商制造形状复杂的车体,从而帮助他们提高业绩,实现精益工艺,节约成本。诺贝丽斯提供全套产品服务,包括品质保证、技术支持和按期交货。诺贝丽斯希望和客户建立长期的合作关系,并成为他们所珍视的合作伙伴,通过对铝合金产品富有创意的运用,共同开发出下一代汽车所需的部件。诺贝丽斯在将铝合金用于车身部件方面位居世界前茅,随时可提供高质量产品。

Speaker Introduction:

Mr. Dewei Zhu graduated from Northeastern Unviersity, Shenyang, China in 1982. He majored in Non-Ferrous Metals metallurgy. In 1984, Mr. Zhu went to North America to pursue graduate studies, whereas he obtained his M. Sc. and Ph. D. in metallurgical engineering. Since his graduation, he has lived and worked in Singapore and Korea in areas related to project management, technology management and sales & marketing related to aluminium business. Most recently, he leads a team of sales and technical professionals of Novelis Korea in developing the automotive panel applications in Asian Market. Mr.Zhu is very interested in working with automotive customers in promoting the applications of aluminium panels in BIW parts while utilizing his rich technical and business experience.

Abstract of Speech:

In recent years, environmental and safety concerns have become very important for the automobile industry. Environmental and safety features lead to increase in car body weight. The governmental regulations on CO2 emission and fuel consumption are getting stronger by each year. And automobile manufacturers have to achieve CO2 emission target and fuel consumption regulation targets to avoid fines. Light weight design is one of key technology to reduce the CO2 emission and fuel consumption. Selection of aluminum alloys is helpful to reduce the weight of car bodies. Each pound of aluminum replacing two pounds of iron or steel in a car can save a net 20 pounds (9.07kg) of CO2 emissions over the lifetime of a typical vehicle (about 120,000 miles). And a 6 to 8 percent fuel savings can be realized for every 10 percent weight reduction by substituting aluminum for steel through appropriate design, resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Due to above reasons, many OEMs in Europe, North America and Asia have adopted aluminum hood, fender, deck lid, door, roof and structure. So the use of aluminum panels will increase substantially in the future as automobile manufacturers strive to achieve the CO2 emission targets and the fuel consumption regulation targets in Europe, USA and ASIA.

Novelis has dedicated on many efforts to develop and improve the quality of aluminum automotive panel for a long time. Many leading OEMs such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, GM, Ford, Daimler-Crysler and Renault have chosen the Novelis as their aluminum automotive panel supplier due to the excellence in technology, quality and service. Novelis has various kinds of A6xxx and 5xxx aluminum alloys which have high formability and perform well under severe hemming condition. And Novelis alloys also offer good surface quality (free from roping), high strength after baking and better pedestrian safety. So Novelis can help customers to select right alloy to meet specific requirements. Recently, to overcome the limitations of standard aluminum alloys,Novelis introduced Novelis FusionTM technology. Novelis FusionTM technology is a breakthrough process that simultaneously casts multiple alloy layers into a single aluminum rolling ingot. The ingot can be rolled into a sheet product with different properties on the inside and the outside, combining characteristics in the one product, And leading OEMs start to apply Novelis FusionTM material for doors, fenders and structure parts since Sep., 2008. Novelis can provide any solution on aluminum panels for complex shaped automotive closures, better OEM's running performance, lean process and cost savings with single alloy or Novelis FusionTM. And Novelis offers complete service package in product quality, technical support and reliable delivery. Novelis would like to develop a long term relationship with customers and become a valuable partner in development of automotive parts for vehicles of tomorrow through innovative applications of aluminum products. As a global leader in aluminum solution provider for automotive applications, Novelis stand ready to offer its quality product.
